Cane Bay Elementary

Cane Bay Plantation is home to Cane Bay Elementary, Cane Bay Middle and Cane Bay High schools.
The elementary school opened in 2009 and offers instruction to students in grades Pre-K through fourth grade. It is led by Principal Melissa LaBerge, along with Assistant Principals Crystal Mitchum and Marissa Watson.
Cane Bay Elementary is helping all students develop the world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate through dynamic instruction and personalized educational opportunities. The expertise of the instructional staff provides students with the support necessary to be successful. Cane Bay realizes high levels of academic growth and achievement for all students by providing a safe, student-centered, positive learning environment. Students participate in curriculum units that are aligned to standards and include critical thinking and problem solving activities. Work and life skills are incorporated into daily instructional lessons and embedded in personalized pathways for student learning. The school implements a structured Multi-Tiered System of Support that provides at-risk students with remedial instruction and accelerates the skills of advanced students.
Cane Bay’s instructional staff strives for excellence through the implementation of standards-driven instruction and participates in intensive professional development programs and Professional Learning Communities. These learning opportunities provide teachers with ways to increase content knowledge, improve professionally, and collaborate on instructional strategies and best practices that will improve student achievement.
Cane Bay Elementary believes strongly in the whole child approach that allows students to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Students have opportunities to build healthy relationships, embrace diversity and problem solve while learning. Social emotional learning and work and life skills are important to the success of all children. Students are provided opportunities that encourage strong work ethics, improved communication skills, and the ability to problem solve and persevere.
At Cane Bay Elementary we strive for excellence and believe all students will be successful, world class leaders upon leaving our schools as graduates.
Awards and Recogitions
2011-12 – Palmetto Silver Award
2012-13 – Palmetto Gold Award
2014-15 – Palmetto Gold and Silver Award
2017-18 – Palmetto Gold and Silver Award
2017-18 – American Heart Association Top School
Arts in Basic Curriculum Grant Recipient School – 2017-2020