Our Program
Some of you may remember having a School Counselor in elementary, middle and/or high school. Many of you may not. Oftentimes, the Guidance Counselor of the past was involved in the enrollment and scheduling process, but students and families had little contact with him or her beyond that. Yesterday's "Guidance Counselor" is known as today's Professional School Counselor and is a visible and active participant in the education of your children. Professional School Counselors "wear many hats" and serve as advocates, leaders, collaborators and consultants. We create opportunities for all students to have success in educational opportunities by connecting our guidance program to the mission of the school.
Today's school counseling program is a collaborative effort and benefits students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. School counseling programs are an integral part of students' daily educational environment, and school counselors are partners in student achievement.
The Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program at Cane Bay Elementary School is an essential component of the total instructional program, which provides all students with the opportunity for optimum development. Our program is designed to be in compliance with the standards of the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) and the SC Comprehensive Developmental Guidance & Counseling Program Model.
Our Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling program consists of individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom guidance lessons.
· Individual Counseling – is available to assist students in planning, monitoring and managing their own academic achievement as well as their personal and career development.
· Small Group Counseling – is offered periodically throughout the school year to assist a select number of students who may be experiencing difficult life events or situations and conditions in their lives.
· Classroom Guidance Lessons – consist of structured experiences presented systematically through classroom and group activities that provide all students with the knowledge and skills appropriate for their developmental level. The curriculum emphasizes choice-making, self-understanding, career exploration and preparation, and the improvement of study skills.
Consultation with parents, teachers, other professionals, and community stakeholders is also one of our regular duties.
Meet Our Counselors
Our school counseling department is excited about the new school year. We have 2 school counselors to meet your child's needs.
Mrs. Clark is a full time counselor. She has been with Cane Bay Elementary since January 2017. Mrs. Clark received her undergraduate degree at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Human Development and Family Studies. She holds a Master's Degree in School Counseling from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She works with all students and teaches classroom guidance in rotation with Mrs. Butler. She is excited to begin her career with Cane Bay Elementary, GO COBRAS!
Mrs. Butler is a full time counselor at Cane Bay Elementary. Mrs. Butler received her undergraduate degree at the University of Phoenix in Human Services and Management. She holds a Master's Degree in Elementary Counseling from the Citadel. Mrs. Butler is available to meet with all Cane Bay students and teaches classroom guidance lessons in rotation with Mrs. Clark. She is excited to begin this new school year, GO COBRAS!
Contact Mrs. Clark at clarkanalisa@bcsdschools.net
Contact Mrs. Butler at butlerc@bcsdschools.net