About College Park Elementary
Delivering an engaging educational experience to our diverse learners. Students work to accomplish individual long and short term goals and celebrate milestones along the way.
At College Park Elementary, the Educators deliver targeted lessons and create learning opportunities that provide explicit, guided, and exploratory opportunities for students to meet rigorous standards in language arts, math, science, and social studies and prepare them for careers and college. As a result, there is evidence of improved literacy, increased analytical and problem-solving ability, enhanced communication skills, and ownership in student work.
College Park Elementary implements a schoolwide intervention, practice, and enrichment time daily. Students receive intervention and support in the classroom to assist in closing achievement gaps, maintaining growth, and/ or accelerated learning through small-group instruction and based-computer programs like iReady. During this time, all students work with a trained professional in a small intensive group setting using evidence based curriculum and teaching practices. Specifically, Multilanguage Learners obtain additional support and practice with speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. In addition, students also have access to afterschool tutoring throughout the school year.
At College Park Elementary we use technology to enhance and enrich the classroom curriculum. Teachers incorporate the use of smart boards and chromebooks to engage learners through relevant learning experiences.
We believe that students develop World-Class Skills when teachers create a learning environment that fosters and promotes opportunities for students to collaborate, communicate, and construct their own learning and understanding. A byproduct of continuous teacher improvement is student improvement. We know that teachers must engage in continuous and targeted professional development so that our students continue to grow and achieve at higher levels. Teachers work to create equitable classroom experiences for students. Throughout the year, teacher participate in professional development sessions that enhance their knowledge and skills in Explicit Phonics Instruction, Mathematics and The Science of Reading..
Professional Learning Communities at College Park Elementary utilize a continuous improvement cycle that emphasizes the student experience, stakeholder engagement, and data collection/analysis in order to guide planning, implementation, reflection, and adjustment to meet the needs of all learners. In these professional learning communities, teachers focus on how students are responding to instruction and ways to increase student engagement and performance.
College Park Elementary offers students the opportunity to join the Chorus, the CPE Morning News Show, and leadership opportunities through classroom helpers to ensure additional exposure to Life and Career skills. Students and their family participate in multiple family engagement activities with the focus on literacy and academics.
College Park Elementary incorporates daily morning meetings, classroom lessons, and biweekly classroom guidance lessons that allow our students to interact with Life, Career, and Character Education. Students gain exposure to the concepts of integrity, self-discipline, work ethic, perseverance, and interpersonal skills. These programs assist in creating a school-wide system of support that focuses on teaching positive student behaviors and ultimately increasing student achievement. In addition, it aims at creating students who have a global perspective. Character education nurtures and promotes the intellectual, emotional, and ethical development of our students. We believe that our character education program and our social-emotional curriculum provides our students with the knowledge values and skills necessary for success in life.
Through our shared purpose, vision, commitment, and goals, the College Park Elementary staff, parents, and community will continue to work diligently to ensure every student is equipped with the World-Class Knowledge, Skills, and Characteristics of a future South Carolina Graduate.