Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

PTO President - Amy McIntyre

Vice President - Jenna Johnson

Treasurer - Kristina Etheredge

Secretary - Megan Keefe

 Carnival Chair - Jennifer Yaun

Volunteer Coordinator - Ashleigh Wydra

We are always looking for volunteers! Interested in helping at HES?  Please click the link above and email us. 

an apple with text reading "Ask PTO Parent Teacher Organization email us"

What does the HES PTO do for our school?

  • Provides money for school programs such as updating technology equipment.

  • Provides Mini-Grant opportunities for classroom projects, books & supplies.

  • Sponsors Summer Reading Program & rewards for students.

  • Sponsors Reflections Contest which provides artistic opportunities for students.

  • Sponsors Teacher Lunch Relief opportunities for teachers where PTO members monitor students in the cafeteria to allow teachers to eat lunch without their students once/month.

  • Organizes and trains volunteers to work with students and assist teachers.

  • Raises funds to support the school through various fundraisers during the school year.

  • Organizes the collection and redemption of Box Tops.