Title I Plan

What is Title I

Title I is the largest federal education program supported through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965. The current authorization is referred to as the "Every Student Succeeds Act." (ESSA).

Schools are identified for Title I support based on the socio economic status of the students that attend. Regulations require that schools involve a team of stakeholders, including staff, parents, and community members in determining how funds are best used to meet the needs of a school. Title I schools are held accountable for and support student achievement, school improvement, staff development, and family engagement. 

Our Title I facilitator ensures that the Title I initiatives are coordinated and research based to benefit students in their classroom activities, the faculty in their ongoing professional development, and parents for supportive engagement according to federal guidelines. Needs assessments based on surveys, observations, evaluation, data analyses and performance outcomes help determine use of funds for our school. Title I funds are supplement to local support and can be used at the school level in a variety of ways.

Our Title I Funds Provide the Following Support:

  • Learning materials

  • Intervention materials

  • School supplies

  • Salaries

  • Class size reductions

  • Classroom Technology

  • Software

  • Family support and engagement resources

Our Title I Facilitator

Tracy Miles

Mrs. Tracy Miles

Mrs. Miles attended Francis Marion University where she received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. She continued her education at Charleston Southern University where she obtained her Masters of Elementary School Administration and Supervision.  Prior to serving as the Title I Facilitator, Mrs. Miles taught fifth grade at St. Stephen Elementary and  third, fourth, and fifth grades at Berkeley Intermediate School for 16 years.

Mrs. Miles has a heart for children and watching them grow. She is a product of the Berkeley County School District and proud to be able to support the families, children, and staff in her local community.

Mrs. Miles is the proud wife and mother of two. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family and reading.

Phone: 843-899-8870
Email: Tracy Miles

Family's Right to Know

Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of a student's classroom teachers, including the following:

  • Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction

  • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived

  • The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher, any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree

  • Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications

  • Information on the level of achievement of the parent's child in each of the state academic assessments as required under this part 

Teacher qualifications can be accessed at the South Carolina Department of Education's Educator Qualification Search.

Little Free Library

Berkeley Intermediate is one of several Berkeley County School District schools to benefit from a grant that established Little Free Library boxes at schools.

The boxes follow an honor system and provide books to any needing something to read after school hours. It's convenient to students, parents and community members!

If you have questions, please contact our Title I Facilitator, Tracy Miles.

Take Books
If you see something you would like to read, take it. When you finish reading the book, simply return it and select another book to read.

Share Books
Pass the book along to a friend before returning it to our Little Free Library!

Give Books
Continue to be a friend of your library by helping any way you can. Share your favorite childhood books, books that teach and books that intrigue all readers!

Little Free Library