Welcome to the

Marrington Elementary PTO

- Mission -

The PTO will keep you informed, and we will strive to involve all parents/guardians in the daily/weekly/monthly activities of MNE.

The PTO at Marrington Elementary School maintains a close working relationship between parents, teachers/staff, and students. The goal of the PTO is to support teachers, parents, and students by...

 providing for the school's supplemental financial needs, as well as giving our time to provide for the physical needs of the school. A strong PTO is evidence of parental interest and does ensure a better school environment for our children. The PTO holds monthly meetings to discuss and implement the ideas of the parents and teaching staff.

PTO News

The PTO will keep you informed, and we will strive to involve all parents/guardians in the daily/weekly/monthly activities of MNE.  

Please feel free to email us to visit our workroom to see where help is needed! We welcome any comments or questions. 

We are also on Facebook:

 Check out the school's Facebook page:

Join us on the Remind app:

Text @mnepto to 81010 or to 954-379-2092

or, go to!

PTO Board

2019-2020 PTO Board

  Jennifer Jordan – President

Danielle Hallquist - Vice President

Amy Dickens – Volunteer Coordinator

Christina Finkler – Fundraiser Coordinator

Jamie Hensley - Treasurer 

Volunteer Information

Sign-up to be a Volunteer!

Have a little extra time? We would love to see your smiling faces and I bet your children would enjoy seeing you at school. Marrington Elementary has many opportunities to volunteer and our #1 priority is safety. All volunteers must complete a background check at prior to volunteering. 

 Ways to Volunteer: 

Wednesday folders: Students get paperwork sent home once a week. The volunteers take the time each Wednesday morning after the school day starts to stuff the folders for the teachers. The more volunteers the faster we can get done!

Copies: To help with the teacher’s workload, we make their copies. We make A LOT of copies, so any time you can volunteer is helpful.

1st grade: On Friday’s (12:30 pm), 1st grade store is where the children can buy items with the money they earn in their classroom during the week. The children LOVE this and our volunteers make it fun. 

2nd grade: Mrs. Gregorich's class also has a school store every other Friday. The children earn money during their money unit and buy items from the store. This is a great way to interact with the children, while they learn how to handle money. 

Picture day: Volunteers help walk the children to and from their class, as well as get them situated for the perfect pose. This can be a chaotic day, but with volunteer help it runs smoothly!

Book Fair: Volunteers assist with set up, classroom book sales, helping children make wish lists, book fair family night, and clean up. Without our volunteers the book fair would not be a success.

Potluck lunches for teachers: Quarterly, volunteers will be providing a potluck lunch for the teachers to enjoy in the cafeteria, while we help monitor their students. The teachers will remain present to maintain a consistent environment of authority while they enjoy their lunch. 

 Fundraising:  We will hold various events and fundraisers throughout the year to help our school earn extra money for various needs. We appreciate your participation to help make these events successful and fun for everyone. 

 Contact us at: