Roles of the Counselor
Professional school counselors are advocates, leaders, collaborators and consultants who create opportunities for equity in access and success in educational opportunities by connecting our programs to the mission of Nexton Elementary School.
The comprehensive developmental guidance and counseling program is an essential component of the total instructional program, which provides all students the opportunity for optimum development.
We include structured experiences presented systematically through classroom and group activities. The curriculum emphasizes choice making, self-understanding, career exploration and preparation, and the improvement of study skills.
Individual counseling assists the students to plan, monitor, and manage their own academic achievement as well as their personal and career development.
Consultation with parents, teachers, and other professionals, is one of our duties.
The first few weeks of school, the school counselor visits with each classroom to do a guidance orientation with the students. We introduce ourselves to the students and tell them what school counselors do and the services that we offer. Also, we talk to students about the important issue of confidentiality and what that means.
There are three main types of counseling at Nexton Elementary: individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom guidance. Also, we give the students a guidance brochure to bring home from our orientation session for their families to see. Monthly newsletters are sent home the first few months.
Responsibilities to Students
The professional school counselor:
Has a primary obligation to the student, who is to be treated with respect as a unique individual.
Is concerned with the educational, academic, career, personal and social needs and encourages the maximum development of every student.
Respects the student’s values and beliefs and does not impose the counselor’s personal values.
Is knowledgeable of laws, regulations and policies relating to students and strives to protect and inform students regarding their rights.
Our School Counselors
Michele Russell
Annette Figura