Sedgefield Middle School is a community school dedicated to serving and meeting the needs of a diverse population. Maintaining a focus on nurturing and propelling each student to his fullest potential, teachers employ rigorous and engaging lessons that integrate the 4Cs of learning, hone world-class skills, expand knowledge, and embrace career characteristics identified in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Both grade-level and content-area teachers meet weekly in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to analyze student data, plan standards-based lessons that incorporate differentiated instruction, and create assessments that support students' academic growth while personalizing learning.
To further cultivate a climate in which all students can excel, Renaissance, a program that celebrates positive behavior and the academic successes and milestones of our students, has been implemented to inspire, empower, and enrich their lives.As a Title I school, we utilize funds to invest in additional resources, such as Ozobots, which teaches coding and programming, littleBits, a platform for building circuits, Virtuality Reality systems (VRs), a tool that allows students to travel and experience destinations right before their eyes, and finally a 3-D printer that fosters the inventor in each student. Such resources have proven to enrich academic learning for students in all content areas and afford them with opportunities for innovation, collaboration, creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking—necessary skills for success beyond middle school. Additionally, Title I funding provides an instructional technology coach who assists teachers with planning and integrating technology that aligns with content standards to increase engagement and deepen student understanding.