Individual Graduation Plan
Individual Graduation Plans (IGPs) are designed to guide students toward their education, career, and employment goals. During IGP meetings, school counselors discuss general graduation requirements, coursework, and opportunities related to future goals. IGPs also help students align their high school courses with college entrance requirements. These plans are flexible and can change based on the student's aspirations, abilities, and interests. They are reviewed annually and updated as a student's interests or career goals change.
Beginning in 8th grade, students develop an IGP that includes general graduation requirements and coursework, including extended and work-based learning opportunities related to their chosen career cluster. A career cluster is a field of study chosen from 16 national career clusters such as business, management and administration that you plan to focus on in high school and beyond. By the end of 10th grade, students choose a career major aligned with a career cluster.
Extended and work-based learning opportunities may include:
Student Organizations
Job Shadowing
Curriculum-based Field Trips
An IGP may be part of a students career portfolio, a file or folder that may also contain career interest assessment results, schoolwork examples, standardized test scores and record of work-based learning experiences. Students may also discuss how to graduate with a South Carolina Academic Honors Award or a Seal of Distinction during their IGP.
At Stratford High School, we schedule our students' IGP conferences through an online scheduler which allows our parents/guardians to select the date/time that works best for them. Parents/Guardians who do not use the online scheduler are sent postcards with an assigned date/time to meet. If you ever need to reschedule your student's IGP conference, please do not hesitate to reach out to your student's counselor. Parent/guardian involvement is integral to this process. To contact your student's School Counselor by email, click on the counselor's name. All students, according to state law (EEDA), must have an IGP conference completed every year by a specific deadline. We look forward to meeting with you for your student's IGP conference!
Please note that IGP conferences are generally scheduled in this order:
Seniors: September - October
Juniors: October - December
Sophomores: December - January
Freshman: January - March
*Families with more than one child are able to schedule on the same day
Counselor | Caseload | Schedule IGP Conference |
Juann Edmondson, Interim Director of School Counseling | Students' last name A-Ba | |
Berry Shupe | Students' last name Be-Cl | |
Susan Brown | Students' last name Co-Fig | |
Dr. Jacqueline Geathers | Students' last name Fin - He | |
Lauren Higgins | Students' last name Hi-Li | |
Megan Brown | Students' last name Ll-N | |
Dr. Jaime Rumple | Students' last name O-R | |
Mrs. Michelle Lawrence | Students' last name S-Ta | |
Dr. Sherree Davis | Students' last name Te-Z |