School Counseling
Our Program
Hello, and welcome to Sangaree Middle School's School Counseling Department!
If you have any school related concerns, please contact the front office during summer hours of operation, 843-821-4028.
If you or a family member have a mental health crisis or emergency, please know that Berkeley Community Mental Health has Crisis Intervention Services:
Below please find links to several pages and/or documents that we feel will be useful to you this school year:
Parent Needs Assessment - Please complete a Parent Needs Assessment and send to the counseling department to help us better determine current student needs.
Welcome to 6th Grade - Parent Guide
BCSD School Counseling Program Services:
A comprehensive developmental School Counseling program is an essential component of the total instructional program, which provides all students the opportunity for optimum development. Our program components organize the work of school counselors into activities and services. The components are as follows:
Guidance Curriculum includes structured experiences presented systematically through classroom and group activities from pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. The curriculum emphasizes choice making, self-understanding, career exploration and preparation, and the improvement of study skills.
Individual Planning includes counseling activities to assist all students to plan, monitor, and manage their own academic achievement as well as their personal and career development. Individual planning emphasizes test interpretation, informal counseling, educational counseling including pre-college and post-secondary vocational-technical planning, and career planning.
Responsive Services includes counseling or referral activities to meet the immediate needs and concerns of students. Responsive services includes personal counseling; crisis counseling; agency referral; consultation with parents, teachers, and other professionals, support groups; and problem solving.
System Support includes indirect guidance management activities that maintain and enhance the total guidance program. Responsibilities in this component include staff and community relations, special research projects, committees, professional development, and student support.
School Counselors are different from mental health counselors because the mental health counselors employeed by our school district work with students and families that qualify for special education. Mental health counselors also help students and families obtain outside resources in order to make sure that students are learning to the best of their abilities.
School Counselors are different from school psychologists because the school psychologist's main responsibility is to identify special needs in students and to help them obtain the educational services necessary to overcome learning obstacles.
At SRM, the school counselors, mental health counselors, and the school psychologist work closely together to make sure that all students receive the very best education possible. We appreciate your support in this endeavor.