Giddens with principal

Amazing, humbled, honored…

Just a few of the words Cayce Giddens used to describe how it felt to be named Berkeley County School District’s 2023 Teacher of the Year.

Giddens is a special services teacher at Westview Middle. She was joined by her fellow school-level Teachers of the Year, BCSD principals, district officials and Berkeley County elected officials on Friday morning during the annual Teacher of the Year Breakfast, sponsored by the Berkeley County Chamber of Commerce and Santee Cooper. The event was held at Trident Technical College.


“I just kept thinking, ‘these other teachers are so phenomenal,’” Giddens said. “I was shocked because I know the other teachers are so great.”

Giddens was bestowed with a bouquet of flowers and gave an emotional speech to her fellow educators, expressing excitement over joining BCSD’s Teacher Forum.

“I’m surrounded by some amazing people,” Giddens said. “I have the support of my wonderful husband and my family, and my amazing admin team at my school that gives me space to try some of my crazy ideas, and some coworkers that are willing to come alongside each other and help whenever needed.

“Now I get to add Teacher Forum as another season of my life, and I’m so grateful,” she said.

Giddens was joined at the event by her husband, James, and Westview Middle Principal Sharon Perry.

Perry said Giddens is a phenomenal teacher herself.

“She started out as a teacher's aid, went to school while working full time and being a mom,” she said. “To come in and be a teacher in a really tough profession…it is an absolutely amazing success story.”

BCSD’s 2022 Teacher of the Year Cynthia Zimmerman said the selection committee was impressed by Giddens’s teaching methods, and how she challenges her students to become more independent and confident, all while providing them with support, resources and encouragement.

“From the moment we entered her classroom, it was clear that Ms. Giddens provided routines and structure to allow each student to thrive – the classroom felt like a family,” Zimmerman said.

Giddens was previously named one of three finalists for the position, alongside Maria Davis from Hanahan High and Jacqueline Bresse-Rodenkirk from Foxbank Elementary.

These teachers were also three out of eight semi-finalists, which also included Elisabeth Edwards from Devon Forest Elementary, Caroline Leck from Mt. Holly Elementary, Ashley Boone from Daniel Island School, Amanda Wanninger from Bowen’s Corner Elementary and Shelly Jenkins from Sangaree Elementary.   

All of BCSD’s Teachers of the Year were recognized during Friday morning’s program. View list of all 2023 Teachers of the Year.

Dr. Dixon commended this year’s group, saying BCSD’s teachers do not just light the way for their students, but for those around them as well.

“There is no greater reward than being recognized by excellent educators around you for being outstanding,” Dixon said. “Thank you for your dedication to fanning the flame for our students and for sharing the flame with those around you.”