students performing "I Won't Grow Up" during Summer STEP Finale


On June 15, Berkeley County School District fine arts students gave a fantastic final performance for family and friends at the Summer STEP 2023 Finale.

STEP stands for “special talent enrichment program.” The two-week summer program was hosted at Goose Creek High this year and gave a chance for students who excel in the arts to receive specialized instruction in their focus area - music, theater, dance or visual arts - and push their artistic boundaries. The program also gives students a chance to meet and network with other students from across the school district. Learn more about STEP.

This year's summer program wrapped up with three performances and an art show exhibition. 

There was a variety of instrumental and choral numbers during the music recital, which featured "Limbo Rock" on steel drums, "All Star" on the recorder and "Will the Circle Be Unbroken" by choral singers. However, the highlight of the show was when all grade levels combined to sing "Waka Waka" and "Day-Oh" for the crowd while strumming ukuleles.  

The musical theater performance combined music and theater STEP students for an emotionally-moving and amusing final show. Focused on the trials and tribulations of growing up, students performed songs from Broadway like "I Won't Grow Up" and "Children Will Listen" in between acting out their own original skits. 

To wrap up the afternoon, dancers brought hip-hop, jazz, K-pop and contemporary performances to the stage.

In between the student performances, families were invited to check out the art students’ gallery across the hall from the auditorium.