BBE pre-k students singing


It was a very musical morning at Boulder Bluff Elementary when the school received special visitors in the multipurpose room on Wednesday.

To help get into the holiday spirit, a few residents from local senior living facilities came out to Boulder Bluff Elementary to listen to holiday performances by the school's oldest and youngest learners.

Residents from Blake Senior Living, Active Day of the Lowcountry, the Village at Summerville at the Bridge at Charleston were invited to come to the school and enjoy some holiday music provided by the students.

Following a performance by the school's fifth-grade band students, the pre-kindergartners took the stage to sing a few Christmas carols to the senior residents. Their edition of "Jingle Bells," "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" earned them some big smiles from the crowd.

If that was not cute enough, following their performance, the pre-kindergarten students paired up with their visitors to decorate gingerbread houses. When they were done, they also presented the residents with bedazzled pinecones and holiday cards they previously made in class, wishing them a happy holiday season.