two teachers laughing

In celebration for knocking the first year of teaching out of the park, Berkeley County School District’s newest teachers were invited to a special dinner this week.

The annual GUIDE Celebration recognizes teachers who have successfully completed their first year as BCSD educators. The 2024 event was organized by the Office of Educator Effectiveness and held Tuesday evening in Westview Middle’s multipurpose room, with an Italian dinner prepared by Child Nutrition Services. VIEW PHOTOS.

Teachers were supported by administrators and district officers, and enjoyed musical performances by Stratford High’s Chamber Orchestra students under the direction of Dr. Sharese Pearson-Bush.

Superintendent Dr. Anthony Dixon commended teachers for their patience and perseverance as they conquered their first year.

“Thank you so much for your commitment,” he said. “Thank you for coming here every day and teaching our students. The improvement in our student outcomes is testament to your hard work, so for many years to come, our appreciation will always be extended to you.”

As BCSD 2023 Teacher of the Year Cayce Giddens reflected on when she completed her own first year of teaching five years ago, she acknowledged the highs and lows first-year teachers often face – the challenges and triumphs, the moments that make one feel overwhelmed and the ones that make one feel a sense of accomplishment.

She reminded all the teachers in the room that they are never alone, and that what they do does matter; she referenced a quote by South African’s first president, Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

“I think we can all agree that the world needs you,” Giddens said. “Education is more important now than ever, and your role as educators is vital. You’ve chosen a profession that demands patience, empathy and resilience. You’ve embraced the opportunity to inspire young minds, nurture creativity and inspire a love of learning…As long as you keep the spirt of a lifelong learner, you’ll continue to grow, and each year will be better than the last.”

In the spirit of sharing profound quotes and explaining BCSD’s mantra of “making a positive difference”, Patricia Davis, Director of BCSD’s Office of Educator Effectiveness shared an African proverb that states: “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, you’ve never spent the night with a mosquito” (obviously, South Carolinians are no strangers to the impacts of mosquitos).

“They are tiny but mighty,” Davis said. “So there are times when we feel we are too small to make a difference and that our actions don’t have impact, but please take some time each and every time to remember that you are amazing, and what you do matters.”