Headshot of Heather Ducker

Berkeley County School District has named Interim Principal Heather Ducker as the Principal of Berkeley High School. Ducker, 2023 Secondary Principal of the Year and former Sedgefield Middle Principal, assumed the interim leadership of Berkeley High in September 2023. 

“When called upon, Ms. Ducker faithfully served Berkeley High School last school year, and she has illustrated her ongoing commitment to ensuring excellence,” said Superintendent Dr. Anthony Dixon. “I am confident that Berkeley High will continue to flourish under her principal leadership.” 

Ms. Ducker joined BCSD in 2001, and served the district as a middle and high school teacher at SFM and GCH for 13 years. In 2014, Ms. Ducker worked as the GCH Academy Coach and Resource Specialist, and, in 2015, was named as the assistant principal at GCH. Ms. Ducker led Sedgefield Middle as principal from 2019 until 2023.