If you need help figuring out how to prepare your Thanksgiving turkey this week, do not worry; these first graders have you covered.
Students from Jessica Dennis and James Kelsey’s first grade classrooms at Berkeley Elementary recently penned some step-by-step instructions on how they would cook a turkey if they were put in charge of Thanksgiving preparations.
The good news is most of their instructions sound pretty quick and easy; oven times may vary and are mostly measured in minutes. Also, salt is a staple, apparently.
Check out some of the answers the students came up with below.
Jessica Dennis’s class
Jade Springer
First: I’m going to cook the turkey.
Next: I’m going to put salt on the turkey.
Then: I am going to stuff it.
Last: I am going to eat the turkey.
Wheeler Greene
First: Find a turkey.
Next: Cook it for 15 minutes.
Then: You eat it.
Last: I am full.
Alice Gardner
First: Get a turkey.
Next: I would cook it so it won’t scratch you.
Then: I get grapes.
Last: I eat it.
Emma Prince
First: I would put it in the oven for six minutes.
Next: I would give it to my mom.
Caysen Chinners
First: Get a turkey.
Next: I would put it in the oven for one minute.
Then: I would take it out.
Last: Eat it.
Samuel Kephas
First: Get a turkey.
Next: Put it in the oven for 10 minutes.
Then: Let it cool down. Put on seasoning.
Last: Eat it.
Ka’Miya Coakley
First: Put on seasoning.
Next: Put oil on it.
Then: Put pepper on it.
Last: Add cheese.
Finally: Put it in the oven.
Averie Klotz
First: Cook turkey.
Next: Put it in the oven. Put oil on it.
Next: Put salt on it.
Last: Eat it.
James Kelsey’s class
Adeline Sexton
First: I get the ingredients.
Next: (Add) the ingredients.
Then: You get sauce.
Last: Cook it in the oven.
Bailey Dingle
First: I get all the ingredients.
Next: I make the turkey.
Then: I put a little bit of salt (on it).
Last: I eat it!
Kassen Smalls
First: I go to the store.
Next: I put the turkey in the microwave.
Then: I take the turkey out.
Last: I eat it.
Amiyah Russell
First: I get the stuff for the turkey.
Next: I put the turkey in the oven.
Then: I cook it.
Last: I will eat it.
Hudson Brumbaugh
First: I take the turkey out of the freezer.
Next: I put the oven in the microwave.
Then: I put the sauce on the turkey.
Last: I eat the turkey.
Mason McConnell
First: I take the turkey.
Next: Put the ingredients on the turkey.
Then: Put the turkey in the oven.
Last: Cut it up then serve it.
Hezekiah Fabian
First: I take the turkey out of the freezer.
Next: I take the bread.
Then: I cook the turkey.
Last: I eat it.