two students building bridge

Hanahan Elementary has some young engineers in the making.

Fourth grade students spent the day participating in a project called “21st Century Engineering”. This project is the brainchild of teachers Brittany Lowell and Marcy Gasperson, who were able to bring some fun, hands-on engineering activities to all of Hanahan Elementary’s fourth grade students after scoring the funds to do it by applying for a Santee Cooper STEAM grant this year.

Classes spent Dec. 18 rotating through different stations including:

• Building with Kapla blocks

• Designing a structure with straws

• Creating a model with magnets

• Creating designs using 3D pens

• Completing circuits using Makey Makey

• Design Rube Goldberg Machines

In addition to the Engineering Day activities, the grant will also allow for Hanahan Elementary to host guest speakers from the engineering industry to come and speak to students in February about their profession to help students understand the applications of their learning in the real world.