Students plus parents plus math lessons equals what?
At College Park Elementary, it all equals a day of learning and fun with math-themed lessons.
March 14 was a half day for students, so College Park Elementary decided to use it as a day of math activities and call it "March Math-ness", inspired by the annual NCAA college basketball tournament that generally runs throughout the month of March.
The students were not alone in doing math activities in their classrooms; families were also invited to come out and play March Math-ness games. VIEW PHOTOS.
The school divided up the morning's activities into two 30-minute sessions; the first session was when kindergarten through second grade did their classroom activities, and the second session was for the upper grade levels.
Different grade levels/classes focused on different math lessons involving measuring, counting money, solving equations, making shapes and more.
The ultimate "winners" of March Math-ness at College Park Elementary were the students and their families; the school had more than 100 families who came out to engage in all the math-related fun.