Grading Policy

CBE Grading Scale

Uniform grading polices are listed below.

Performance Rating Definitions: (K - 2)

In kindergarten, first grade, and second grade the academic and related arts performance scale is as follows:

4     Consistently and independently demonstrates a thorough understanding of the standard(s).
3     Frequently demonstrates an understanding of the standard(s).
2     Limited understanding of the standard(s). Area of concern
1     Does not demonstrate understanding of the standard(s). Area of concern

Any area that will not be assessed during a grading period will be blacked out. 

Performance Ratings: (3 - 4)

Student progress in grades three and four for related arts and work habits are reported by letter grades S, N and U. For the core academic subjects, numerical averages are reported as follows:

90 - 100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
0 - 59 = F

Grades are calculated using the following scale:


Tests/Projects = 35%

Quizzes = 30%

Classwork = 30%

Homework = 5%