students holding banner

The energy inside Cross High’s cafeteria was palpable on Jan. 6 when the school received its i-Ready Super School banner.

This banner was earned in response to the progress that the middle school students have made in their i-Ready math lessons over the past month. A couple of other Berkeley County School District schools have earned the title of a Super School so far this year, but what made Cross High's celebration extra special was being able to recognize the hard work of Nadine Johnson, the seventh and eighth-grade math teacher at the school, who helped students excel in their lessons.

i-Ready is an online assessment and instruction tool teachers use to support students in reading and math proficiency. In the contest, students were monitored for following their i-Ready lessons and completing tasks within a certain amount of time per week.

Superintendent Dr. Anthony Dixon and Coordinator of Innovation Jennifer Croley were among a few district officials who swung by the school on Friday morning to present the i-Ready Super School banner to Cross High’s middle schoolers.

Croley told students that earning the banner meant the middle schoolers showed the most growth in their math lessons starting from the first math diagnostic in the fall to the winter diagnostic.

“This was a contest between all the middle school students in the district – and who do you think won that contest?” Croley asked everyone in the cafeteria.

The answer definitely was not lost on the students; the news was met with ample enthusiasm – particularly when Principal Alicia Pressley recognized Johnson. The students proceeded to pile outside to take photos with the banner in front of the school.

The students are now tasked with keeping up the good work to see if they can retain their title next month.

Awesome job, Nadine Johnson and Cross High students!