- Bookbag (no wheels)
- Canvas zipper pencil pouch (with clear window in front)
- Hard plastic 5 x 8 inch pencil box
- 4-pack of Play-Doh
- Bottle of hand sanitizer
- Red/blue KinderMat (1 inch x 19 inch x 45 inch)
- Expo dry erase markers (black)
- Box of tissues
- Solid colored headphones (no earbuds)
First Grade
- Bookbag (no wheels)
- Clipboard (8.5 x 11)
- Plastic pencil box
- Play-Doh (4-pack)
- Crayola washable watercolor palette with brush
- Bottle of hand sanitizer (2)
- Vinyl folders (2 - blue and green)
- Expo dry erase markers (black)
- Box of tissues (2)
- Headphones (no earbuds)
Second Grade
- Bookbag (no wheels)
- Pencil box (hard plastic - not a zippered pouch)
- Clipboard (8.5 x 11)
- Box of tissues (2)
- Bottle of hand sanitizer
- Folder with two pockets
- Headphones (no earbuds)
- Ruler
- Marble composition notebook
- Box of quart/gallon Ziploc bags
- Notebook paper (wide-ruled)
Third Grade
- Bookbag (no wheels)
- Composition notebooks (2)
- Pocket folders - solid color with prongs (4 - red, blue, green, orange, yellow)
- Highlighters (2)
- Pencil box
- Clipboard
- Expo dry erase markers
- Headphones
- Mouse for Chromebook (optional)
- Bottles of hand sanitizer (2)
- Box of tissues (2)
Fourth Grade
- Bookbag (no wheels)
- Clipboard
- Notebook paper (2)
- Composition notebooks (2)
- Plastic folders (2)
- Pencil pouch
- Headphones (no earbuds)
- Box of tissues (4)
- Yellow highlighter
- Mouse for Chromebook (optional)
Fifth Grade
- Composition notebook (4)
- Folders with prongs and pockets (4)
- Dry erase markers
- Notebook paper (wide-ruled)
- Highlighters
- Bottle of hand sanitizer
- Box of tissues
- Headphones
- Mouse for Chromebook (optional)