teacher hugging student

School counselors at Daniel Island School got a sweet surprise midday Feb. 8 when middle school chorus students found a melodic way to thank them for their hard work.

The week of Feb. 6-10 is School Counselors Week, and schools are finding ways to show appreciation for their counselors.

Carolyn Aarons, Kevin Wier and Melody Hill were going about their day when Daniel Island School administrators asked if they could step out into the hallway for a minute; the counselors were greeted with the chorus students singing to them in the tune of the Happy Birthday song:

Happy Counselors Week to you,

We are grateful for you,

You help lead and guide us,

In everything we do.

The counselors rewarded them with hugs and high-fives. Counselors were also provided lunch during the day as part of a thank-you from the school.

The students sing under the director of music teacher Kimberly Lawrence.