SSM group photo

Berkeley County School District is excited to recognize the schools mentioned below for the gains students have made in math and reading during the first part of the school year.

Students at Bowen’s Corner Elementary, Daniel Island School, Howe Hall AIMS and St. Stephen Middle all worked hard during the fall semester to boost their scores in i-Ready reading and math – enough so that their schools are making excellent progress toward annual growth goals.

The i-Ready Diagnostic is a state-approved assessment that aligns with state educational standards meant to measure student growth, positively impact student growth and prepare students for SC Ready testing. In recent years BCSD students have seen growth in SC Ready scores, and this approach with I-Ready is one of several meant to help expand that growth among students in Berkeley County.

The assessment provides individualized data used to determine how to best support each student learning with personalized instruction. It’s given three times each year, ahead of end of year SC Ready testing, and those dates can be found in BCSD’s district testing calendar.

At the elementary math level, Bowen’s Corner Elementary made 78 percent progress toward their annual growth goal in the first half of the school year. At the middle school level, Daniel Island School’s sixth through eighth grade students made 86 percent progress in math.

At the elementary English/language arts level, Howe Hall AIMS made 89 percent progress toward their annual growth goal. At the middle school level, St. Stephen Middle showed the most significant growth at 122 percent toward their English/language arts goal.

“We are so excited to see our students working hard to make progress in their math and reading scores,” BCSD Superintendent Dr. Anthony Dixon said. “Student growth is essential, and this is an opportunity to celebrate our students for their collective and individual growth. It’s also a big win for the teachers at these schools working to keep student learning on track to reach achievement goals.”

HHA group photo

DIS group photo

BCE group photo