

The HHS Library sponsors monthly promotions to encourage students to read and use technology in innovative ways. We open every day at 8:15 am and all students can obtain a permanent pass to gain entry to the library before school and during their lunch.  We close at 4:15 pm.

All students have individual Destiny Card Catalog accounts, accessed via Classlink. This allows students to search the card catalog at home, access eBooks, request print books from HHS and other BCSD schools and see due dates for materials.  This also links students to the Card Catalog home page where a wealth of resources to support projects and assignments is available.

Previous monthly promotions have focused on reading science fiction, fantasy, romance, historical fiction or horror fiction books as well as bringing friends to the library.  We also have rewarded our frequent visitors to the library, the readers of new books, and those who read either a Young Adult Book Award Nominee or tried out a new series. 

Come by the library today to sign up for our latest promotion!