Throughout the school year, band programs at our middle and high schools perform at competitions hosted by the South Carolina Band Directors Association. Compiling these scores, SCBDA determines which schools across South Carolina receive the Outstanding Performance Award.
For the 2022-2023 school year, five Berkeley County School District bands received the Outstanding Performance Award.
- Hanahan Middle School
- Sangaree Middle School
- Westview Middle School
- Hanahan High School
- Stratford High School
"The OPA is the most prestigious award that SCBDA gives each year to South Carolina band programs," Adam Scheuch, awards committee chairperson for SCBDA, said.
Scheuch went on to say the schools' band program performed at a very high level in all SCBDA events including Marching Band Championships, All-State and Region Band, Concert Performance Assessment, and Solo and Ensemble, which earned them enough points to be recognized as one of the top bands in the state.
Congratulations to HMS, SRM, WVM, HHS and SHS on achieving this honor!