student looking down at robotics experiment

Smiles and laughter filled the media center at Berkeley Intermediate on May 12th.  Berkeley County School District Career Specialist Patreece Copeland said that meant the activity was a success.

With the help of a presenter from the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic, Copeland and teachers at BIS were showing students how to use tiny vibrating motors and small brushes to build “bristlebots.”

“The biggest joy is watching kids that have never done that type of activity light up,” she said. “…When the quiet, reserved kid comes in and participates – that’s the moment.”

The STEM activity was one of several in recent weeks at elementary schools in the Berkeley High feeder pattern. They were all sponsored by NIWC Atlantic, which provided presenters and supplies for each of the projects.

The events of recent weeks are among several that happen throughout the year at BCSD elementary and middle schools, as career specialists work to introduce students to the 16 career clusters identified by the U.S. Department of Education as a guide for Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.

In addition, Copeland said the students are encouraged to be creative and problem-solve. It’s a fun and hands-on way of exposing children to activities and careers that they may have never thought of.