- 1 pack of pencils (12 per pack)
- 8 Elmer’s glue sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 three-prong plastic folder
- 1 pair of headphones (no earbuds or bluetooth)
- 2 packs of Crayola crayons (24 crayons)
- 8 Expo dry erase markers (full size – black only)
- 2 packs of Crayola colored pencils (12 count)
- 1 primary composition notebook
First grade
- 2 packs of pencils (12 Per Pack)
- 1 plastic pencil box (not a pouch)
- 2 packs of Crayola crayons (24 Crayons)
- 3 primary composition notebooks
- 3 plastic folders with prongs – red, blue, green
- 8 Expo dry erase markers (full size – black only)
- 4 glue Sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 pair of headphones (no earbuds please)
Second grade
- 1 plastic pencil box
- 1 pair of headphones (no earbuds please)
- 2 packs of yellow pencils (12 per pack)
- 2 packs of Crayola crayons (24 crayons)
- 2 plastic folders with prongs (yellow and blue)
- 1 black and white composition book
- 8 glue sticks
- 8 Expo dry erase markers (full size – black only)
- 4 large pink erasers
- 1 primary composition notebook
Third grade
- 2 packs pencils (12 per pack)
- 3 black and white composition notebooks
- 5 glue sticks
- 1 pack of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 1 pack of Crayola colored pencils (12 count)
- 1 pack of Crayola markers (10 count)
- 1 pencil box
- 1 pack pencil top erasers
- 2 plastic folders (3-prongs and 2 pockets)
- 4 Expo dry erase markers (full size – black only)
- 1 pair headphones or Earbuds
Fourth grade
- 5 composition notebooks
- 5 folders with pockets and prongs
- 2 packs of pencils (12 per pack)
- 1 pair of headphones or earbuds (no wireless/Bluetooth)
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 yellow highlighters
- 2 Expo dry erase markers
- 1 supply box or pouch
- 1 box of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 1 pack of Crayola colored pencils (12 count)
- 1 pack of 3x5 lined (white) index cards (100 count)
- 1 pack pencil top erasers (12 count)
Fifth grade
- 5 composition or spiral notebooks
- 2 packs of pencils (12 per pack)
- 1 pack of cap erasers (12 count)
- 2 boxes of Crayola crayons (24 count)
- 2 packs of Crayola colored pencils (12 count)
- 1 pack of Crayola markers (10 count)
- 4 glue sticks
- 2 folders w/prongs and pockets
- 2 highlighters
- 6 Expo dry erase markers (full size – black only)
- 1 pair headphones or earbuds
Headphones/earbuds are vital so please consider something that will last for the entire school year.
Meet the Teacher: Thursday, Aug. 17, 4-6 p.m.