Attention: Before and After School Care registration for the 2023-2024 school year will open on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. Students are enrolled based on availability and time stamped at completion.


Berkeley County School District has a total of 24 schools that operate a daycare program within their building after school hours. Many of our schools also offer a before school program at the discretion of the school Principal. A daycare director is designated at each school that offers these programs.

Qualified staff members are trained in safety, discipline policies, confidentiality and are required to complete Safe Schools trainings provided by Berkeley County School District. Additionally, staff members are required to attend CPR, first-aid and Darkness to Light trainings.

Each after school program across our district is unique and offers students currently enrolled in his/her school utilizing the traditional learning pathway the opportunity of after school enrichment programs. Our goal is to provide supervised care and programs that are safe, fun and recreational while allowing children to pursue individual interests in a convenient location and at a reasonable cost. For information about enrollment, you may contact your student’s school individually.