Jessica Galati

National Career Development Week, which runs from November 12 through November 16, is an annual observance dedicated to highlighting the importance of career development and planning . This week-long campaign during National Career Development Month seeks to empower individuals of all ages to take charge of their career journeys, make informed decisions, and pursue fulfilling and meaningful work.

National Career Development Week  was established to address the need for comprehensive career guidance and support. It is endorsed by educational institutions and professionals who are dedicated to helping individuals make informed career choices.

As such,  we want to say thank you to our career specialists -Patreece Copeland, Jessica Galati, Ahja Glaze, Kia Meyers, Jimarra Norwood, Teresa White and Dustin Williams- as well as all our career and technical education educators. Each one of you helps our students chase their dreams and figure what they want to do with their futures everyday.