With the first day of school less than one week away, we want to make sure families are aware of the new transportation features that pertain to bus riders. Learn more about My Ride K-12 and the student transportation tag program at www.bcsdschools.net/article/1203059.
Berkeley County School District will continue to serve meals to students this summer.
The 2023 Summer Breakfast and Lunch Program is available to all students and children in the Berkeley County community. The program is free to all children under the age of 18. Dates, times and site information can be found at www.bcsdschools.net/summermeals.
Congratulations to these former SRM students!
SHS Class of 2023
On this final day of Teacher Appreciation Week we want to take one more opportunity to let you know how we feel!
REMINDER: May 30th is a half day for all students. It is also the final day of school for all students. May 31 is a teacher workday and the final day of the school year for teachers.
Join the professionals on our transportation team. As a team member you will be an important part of the education process. Make a difference in education. Bus drivers and bus assistants are key to our students’ success. We are focused on safety, and we’ll train you!
For employment information contact: Michelle Smith at 843-899-8547.